ENG || And now that the Spring arrived but the weather keeps looking very ugly around here, I want to show you a very wintry look, after all we were in Winter when I took the pictures. I hope to finally post some pictures with looks full of colorful and more fun clothes. :)
Colete pêlo / Faux fur vest - Stradivarius - prenda / gift (29,99€) || Vestido / Dress - cerca de / around 20€ || Collants / Tights - Primark - 4€ || Botas / Boots - herdado da irmã
Gola / Scarf - loja chinesa / chinese local store - cerca de / around 3€ || Bolsa / Bag - Primark - 3€ || Cinto / Belt - prenda / gift || Pulseira / Bracelet - eBay - cerca de / around 1€
. Total: 31€ (60,99€).
Gosto mas não é o meu estilo...
Alexandra :)
Diário d'uma novata